The best way to manage your ice vending machine!
So you made the decision to buy your first ice vending machine. You have it set in place, the banners are up, the open house is done, and the machine is shined up and ready to go!

Kooler Ice

September 22, 2015

So you made the decision to buy your first ice vending machine. You have it set in place, the banners are up, the open house is done, and the machine is shined up and ready to go! You are at your house on a Saturday afternoon cutting the grass and you start to wonder… How is my machine doing? Am I selling any ice? Is the machine working properly? Do I have enough bags in the machine? Is my ice maker running correctly? These are normal things you will wonder about after making this investment.

Kooler ice vending machines |

“Informed owners are happy owners!” says Kerry Seymour, President and Head of Engineering at Kooler Ice. “The more our customers know about their machines and what they are doing, the more satisfied they are with their purchase.”

A monitoring system can answer all of these questions and more! That is the reason why you should include a monitoring system when you purchase your machine. The monitoring system allows owners to access their machine from anywhere so they can know everything going on with their machine at all times. Owners can enjoy a passive income without having to make unnecessary trips to the machine – saving them time and money. As you evaluate your machine purchase, make sure the machine you buy has a robust monitoring system!

To learn more about IceTalk®, the Kooler Ice monitoring system, go to:

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